Hi, my name in Linda and I work in the field of UX. I have a background in Visual Design and Information Design. Currently, I work as a UX Writer at Svea Bank.

TEST UX Design for Wasa Kredit
I have analyzed Wasa Kredit's public website and identified areas for improvement. I made recommendations for improved visual design and suggestions for more clear navigation.

I delivered educational presentations based on research and analysis to support internal decisions. With knowledge of the customer's personas, I conducted impact mapping for private customers and business customers. I created Lo-Fi and Hi-Fi sketches on the intended new structure.

UX Writing at Svea Bank
At Svea, I have a very broad role in several different business areas, which has given me a great understanding of how various services and products impact each other. My main focus is to create good user experiences through text, which means I am involved in many different digital flows. By following the language guidelines developed by our writer team, I ensure that the texts are consistent, user-friendly, and branded.

As a UX Writer, I work based on the following questions:

  • Who the user is?

  • What does the user do, when, and where?

  • What are the user's needs, goals, and tasks?

  • How does the user do it?

  • What does the user like or dislike?

  • What does the user need to know now?

  • What will the user need to know in the future?

  • What did the user see before this message, and what will they see after?

UX Design for MedHelp
In my assignment as UX designer at MedHelp, I worked on developing an app for sick and health reports. I made Lo-Fi sketches of the entire flow. I also made sure that the copy was user friendly and adapted to the user. My work included handover to developers and the design agency which was responsible for UI. The app was launched in App Store in may 2020.

Visual design / Stockholm Design Lab

UX Design and UX Copy at Svenska Spel
At Svenska Spel and the Sport & Casino business area I worked with concept design of new games, redesign of products and improvement of communications material. The assignment contained several project containing user interviews and analysis. I worked with a communication material concerning »Spelansvar«. I went through texts and adapted them to be consistent, pedagogical and to function UX-wise and also to keep the right tonality.

I worked in the core team of »Labbet« an innovation hub at Svenska Spel. In a crossfunctional team we investigated and tested a new product idea. The work included workshops in Miro, clustring ideas and insights, lo-fi sketches, testing, iteration, high-fi sketches, building prototypes, testing at customers and finally analyzing and document insights and recommendations.

Visual Design
Examples of visual design and prototypes for a job applications and a case from my studies at Berghs School of Design.


Visual Design & Content Design
I have long experience designing information and content to different target groups. I have worked on numerous magazine and book productions, and typography, graphic design, images, and information architecture are some of the tools I master. Link to portfolio